Mystic Messenger - A Guide To Finding Your Zen

The Mystic Messenger by Jim Rohn teaches you the steps necessary for you to attain enlightenment. It's a simple book to read with excellent content. Rohn begins with a story of a young child who is very upset because he did not get his beloved pet dog. In the next few pages, the story takes an unexpected turn. This book is similar to many other books on the market in that it gives us simple but profound information.

mystic messenger how to get zen

The mystic messenger begins by introducing us to the concept of enlightenment. It is a spiritual state of mind which is achieved through meditation and spiritual practice. Once we are able to meditate, we can learn to control our thoughts and our emotions. With this control, we are able to change our future. In addition, by controlling our thoughts, we can also change the future of those around us. By learning the techniques of meditation and controlling our emotions, we can use this power to achieve great success in our lives.

The main focus of the book is how to get Zen. However, it does touch on some areas of physical health and how to get healthy through exercise. The nine chapters of the book touch on various aspects of Zen, which will help you transform your life. The nine topics include: The Right Mind, The Power of Words, The Meaning of the Emotions, The Clear Compasses, The True Mind, Imagination and visualization, Word initiation, The Power of the Space, The True Self, Becoming the Water, The Lotus Flower and transmuting human relationships.

Mystic Messenger - A Guide to Finding Your Zen

Each chapter of the book is self-explanatory. For example, the first chapter focuses on the first step in becoming Zen. Each chapter consists of ten short chapters. I liked that Rohn includes a glossary of terms at the end of each chapter.

In the first chapter, "The Right Mind," Rohn introduces you to the concept of the "right mind." How does one become mindful of his or her thoughts and turn those thoughts into positive outcomes? This chapter focuses on how to be in harmony with your own thoughts. I also learned that mediation is a helpful skill. It's not hard to learn and can be beneficial for many people.

In the second chapter, "Words Become Things," Rohn provides many helpful words and phrases. He discusses vivacious, expansive and passionate as all three states of being. He then discusses using vivacity and passion to attract others and being in harmony with all beings. Some people think of vivacious as arrogance, but Rohn shows it's not. The book is full of uplifting words to help you get inspired and excited about your goals.

Chapter three, "The Power of the Space," teaches me to let go of my fears and to get my creative juices flowing. The fourth chapter focuses on using the space around me to my advantage by making positive associations. I liked that he included many different visualization techniques and that they are easy to implement. I particularly like how he included the saying, "The more I see the more I get."

Of course, learning how to meditate and being in harmony with myself are just the beginning. To achieve these goals, you will have to be open to constantly changing internal dialogue. You must continually be improvising so that your skills of creativity and motivation can evolve. This is the real value of this book. You will develop a sense of urgency because of the way it drives you to improve yourself.

My favorite chapters were the endures and expansions oneness. This chapter talks about leaving personal egoism at home and opening to all beings. Rohn repeatedly emphasizes that this is a spiritual book and that you can't detach yourself from the current moment. You will have to experience Oneness in each moment. You will also have to work on developing your intuition.

Finally, there was one short suggestion that I found a little disconcerting. The author does talk about leaving your ego at home but then suggests that you look for answers within your heart. I thought this was a little disorienting because the whole theme is about leaving your ego at home. How do you leave your ego at home if you never got it in the first place? I guess that's just one of the many challenges we face in our quest to get Zen.

Bottom line, this is a fun little book. It's a nice little lighthearted book with some good advice on how to get Zen. I think this would be a good addition to any spiritual library. If you are looking for a fun, fast, easy way to get Zen, this is the right book for you. I hope that someone reads this and finds it motivating and inspires them to get more done and to meditate more often.

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